These sites may be of interest:
(Click on the name to be taken to the webpage)
Advent Source Over 1500 resources for Seventh-day Adventist churches including hundreds of books, videos, seminars, and audio.
Adventist Book Center (ABC) Sells Bibles, children's books, books on wide range of topics of interest to Christians, music CDs and DVD's, lessons and magazines.
Adventist Community Services (ACS) ACS is the non-profit, humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that works within the United States and Bermuda through more than 1,100 localities. It was established to provide disaster response, crisis care, and other programs to help the individual and community.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) ADRA is a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that demonstrates God’s love and compassion. ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action
Adventist News This network has a weekly video newscast that is updated every Friday.
Amazing Facts Amazing Facts is a ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the entire world through television, radio, literature, live Bible and prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism training.
AudioVerse This is a media ministry that has sermon recordings from various ministries.
Bible Gateway A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions.
Bible Info A Bible study website that can serve to answer many Frequently Asked Questions about the Bible!
Dare to Believe See a 26-minute video called "The Creation: The Earth is a Witness," a day-by-day account of the biblical creation week.
Ellen G. White Truth Have you heard about Ellen G. White? This website has been created to introduce you to a woman who experienced a unique and remarkable life committed to the gospel and Christian service.
Heaven is For Real For many people, Hollywood is shaping their theology- not the Bible. They don't realize they may have fallen for a delusion that could prove deadly. See this website that counteracts this massive deception.
Health Ministry Health vidios and articles, and an "Ask the Doctor" section.
Health Videos Evidence-based health videos provided by the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Lesson Quarterlies Bible study lessons online, teacher helps and resources for adults, youth and children. Discussion lists and blog.
Liberty Magazine Resources for matters of religious freedom.
Maranatha A Non-profit organization that coordinates construction of urgently needed buildings with volunteers who desire a short-term mission experience.
Mission 360 Official mission magazine of the Adventist church with stories about missionaries, Adventist volunteers, Global Mission Pioneers, and church planters.
My Way to Jesus Designed to acquaint people with Jesus and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, this site enables people to request Bible studies, sign up for a weekly email devotional message, make prayer requests, and find a church in their area.
Redding Adventist Academy A private Christian school for k-12 that features international students, mission trips, bells, a ski program, track & field, basketball, and volleyball.
Sharpening the Sword Offers Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries, and other tools to help with study.
Spiritual Gifts Inventory: Discover areas the Holy Spirit has gifted you to serve in!
1844 Made Simple A resource aimed at increasing understanding of the investigative judgment.